The Chronicles of Mrs Claus

Now that it is over, what’s next?

The presents have all been unwrapped and the wrapping paper is safely in its place for next year. The decorations are now packed and the Christmas tree is safely stored away or waiting to be picked up at the curb. Now that it’s all over, what’s next?

It’s that time between Christmas and New Year’s where you are wondering what day it is, I bet. But the new year is fast approaching. Are you ready to celebrate 2020? Are you the type of person who loves a good party, and will you be attending one this year? Or do you forgo all of the celebrations and stay at home celebrating with family? Whichever way you celebrate the incoming new year, enjoy yourself and be safe.

Did you realize that not only is January 1st a new day, it’s the start of a new month, a new year and a new decade? And it’s a Leap year to boot. Now along with the new year, comes the question that’s on everyone’s mind: Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? Are they made to break bad habits or start new healthy ones? Some of the more popular ones include:

  1. Lose weight and get fit
  2. Quit smoking
  3. Learn something new
  4. Eat healthier
  5. Get out of debt and save money
  6. Spend more time with family
  7. Travel to new places
  8. Be less stressed

If you do make resolutions every year, keep it up. That’s a great habit to have. And get your kids involved. You could make resolutions together as a family or ones that are specific to each family member.

However, when you make those resolutions, are you able to keep them? Or do they fall by the wayside just as quickly as they are made? I’ve never been one to stick completely to my resolutions but I have found a key to making them count. Just like with any goals, you need a formula, not only to make them but also to keep them. One of the more famous acronyms for goal setting is S.M.A.R.T.

  1. Specific – the goal should have a clear and specific end; not too vague
  2. Measurable – a method to accurately track progress
  3. Attainable – set a goal that is achievable; not too ambitious
  4. Relevant – the goal should be appropriate and benefit you
  5. Time-based: set a time frame to help keep you on track

Now there are some of these that have been interchanged with other models – for example Trackable instead of Time-based, Realistic instead of Relevant, Motivating instead of Measurable. But whichever of these words you use in your formula, just make it personal for you. There are a lot of internet sites you can visit on S.M.A.R.T. goals if you need more information on how to set goals and resolutions.

Here are a few additional tips to consider along with the above that may help you to make better resolutions that you can actually stick to.

  1. make smaller resolutions
  2. write them down
  3. make your resolutions public
  4. check in with yourself regularly

So, to help you stay on track with your resolution, here’s one of mine for 2020 – to improve my overall physical and mental well-being by being more consistent with my exercise, practicing better self-care, laughing more often and enjoying life with my family and friends. It might seem pretty arduous to some but I think each part works together to form the whole, which to me, makes it easier to achieve.

Now what’s next for you? New Year’s party or celebrations with family? Resolutions, yeah or nay? Whatever you choose to do, I hope that you have a wonderful evening and a great start to the new year!

Are Christmas Cards A Thing Of The Past?

Do you remember those days when the Christmas cards started arriving in your mailbox; all the colourful envelopes with Christmas stickers, containing photos and letters from relatives and friends you had not seen in years? It used to be so exciting to receive cards in the mail during the Christmas holidays; always wondering whose card you would get first. The thrill of opening them to read the messages and look at the photos, displaying them with your annual card collection.

However, has writing Christmas cards become a thing of the past? The first Christmas card was created and sent in 1843 in the United Kingdom; a tradition that seems to have dwindled over the years. With all of the digital outlets now available, has Facebook and email become your avenue to send holiday greetings to everyone? I know it is probably easier and faster to do, but do you not miss sitting down and writing a personal message to everyone on your list. I suppose it can be a daunting task if you had quite a few cards to write and send out. But now, this practice has changed with the onset of technology. Gone are the handwritten notes that would accompany a card or the holiday letters telling you of the great adventures that had happened over the past year. Thankfully, there are still some that send out handwritten Christmas cards and I look forward to receiving them. I still do my part and send out cards, although my timing might be off.

Some people I have spoken to feel that cards are more commercialized now than in past years; I guess that is a sign of the times and how progress happens. Yet do you feel cards have become too fancy or that those with embedded music are too much? Whatever happened to the handmade cards a child would make and present to their mother or father? If you did those as a kid, what is stopping you from doing that now as an adult? Better yet, with your own children and grandchildren? Now’s the time to be as creative as you want. So when it is all over, what do you do with the cards that you did receive? If you simply throw them out, that is fine, but why? Choose to recycle those beautiful cards. Here are a few ways that you can do just that.

  • Use them to make next year’s gift tags
  • Make paper chains
  • Reuse the Image to make your own cards
  • Create a Jigsaw Puzzle
  • Make Card Tree Ornaments
  • Put Them In Your Household Recycling

Here is your fun activity this week. Sit down with your kids and hand write some cards to those special family members. Grandparents will love to receive a card from their grandchild handmade just for them. Let them add their own special flare and love. I know their creation will be something that will be cherished forever.