The Bell Still Rings for Me as it does for Those Who Truly Believe

Let’s take a moment to think about the unsung Christmas hero, Mrs. Claus. If you thought that Santa does this all by himself, think again. Aside from the elves making the toys, Mrs. Claus plays a big part in the holiday scene, although she stays in the background and gives the big guy the glory on Christmas day. I think that she may hold the key to the spirit of the holiday season.

Do you remember when you were a kid and you could not wait until Christmas – to open presents, play with your new toys and have that magical visit with Santa Claus himself? I still have that ‘belief’ in the magic of Christmas and all that it stands for and I don’t think it ever really leaves you, although some may disagree. As various Christmas shows tell you, the magic goes away once you grow up. However, I do not believe that. Do you?

How many movies have you watched where families fight and argue, don’t get along over the holidays? I have seen my share. Nevertheless, those aside, there are hundreds of family-friendly movies that you could watch with your kids. My favourite movie growing up was always Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the original Miracle on 34th Street. And when it comes to books, nothing beats the original Twas the Night Before Christmas. Take the time with your family this week and pick a nice family-friendly movie to watch or read a book to your kids, perhaps one that was special to you when you were their age. Better yet, why not choose a bunch of books, wrap them all up and have your kids open one each night throughout December and enjoy the time together. Start a new tradition. If you are not sure where to start, you can find a variety of reading options at Chapter’s Indigo by clicking here. Pick a book; start reading with your family.

And remember, it is the season to be thankful for all that you have. After all, the magic of Christmas lies in your heart, in the time we spend with our family and friends, enjoying some quality time watching a movie, reading a story or just hanging out TOGETHER. The bell still rings for me as it does for all who truly believe. Does it still ring for you?